How do our Guides communicate with us?
We receive messages in a number of ways. The most common way is appearing in out dreams. While our minds are too busy in the waking hours, in sleep we are more open to receiving messages at a higher frequency.
In cases of a loved one that recently passed, it is very important to not stay in a state of grief so we can receive messages from them.
Another way that we receive messages from our Guides is seeing feathers, coins or repetitive numbers. Our Guides also communicate with us through our senses. For example, a passing whiff of perfume, hearing a familiar tune, seeing flashes of light or at some times even hearing a soft whisper.
When do we receive messages?
Actually all the time! Learning to recognise the messages and signs from our Guides is one thing. Learning to trust and believe that the messages and signs are right and for our greater good is a different thing all together.